Kiss T-shirts2023(acid blue)
Sold out WED.EDITION 2023 -I will always love you only. that's the truth.-
Lola wed.のカジュアルアイテムをお届けするWED.EDITIONの新作Tシャツ。
1940年公開の名作恋愛映画「Waterloo Bridge」のロマンスシーンをフィーチャーした
Kiss seriesの新作Tシャツです。
着丈:74cm, 身幅:61cm, 肩幅:58cm, 袖丈:25cm
*Tax included.
*Limit of 3 per order.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥25,000 will be free.
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.